23 Mika Meyers’ Attorneys Listed in Best Lawyers

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Manufacturing Lawyers

From day one, we’ll invest in building the strongest commitment possible.

Mika Meyers provides a wide range of legal services designed to assist and safeguard manufacturing companies, their products, customers and brand. Our manufacturing lawyers represent clients that provide a variety of products and components to industrial, commercial businesses, consumers, distributors and supply chain constituents.

As a full-service law firm, we advise manufacturers on the many aspects of running their business and assist with the following:

  • Contracting, subcontracting and outsourcing
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Financing and workouts,
  • Liens
  • Supply chain negotiations
  • Supply and distribution chain management
  • Labor and employment (employment litigation, policies and handbooks, embezzlement investigations and litigation, executive compensation, benefits, and immigration law matters)
  • Intellectual property (trademarks and trade secrets)
  • Environmental (contamination, internal compliance programs and evaluate potential real estate for purchase)
  • Real estate

Mika Meyers’ manufacturing attorneys help companies grow and reduce risk while handling day-to-day issues that spring up in today’s global economy. We provide legal advice on transactions, compliance, emerging technologies, and litigation, and provide counseling on environmental matters such as permitting and enforcement.

Contact our Grand Rapids, Michigan headquarters to learn more about how our manufacturing law team can help your business thrive.